Sapphire's Love

   I have a very strong interest in Pokemon especially my Pokemon Sapphire. I have a crush on Sapphire. She is just the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I can never disappoint her until this day. I was in the third gym getting ready to meet Sapphire. I went out and Ruby came on screen. I was shocked when her character showed in, she was bleeding from her arm and she was covered in scars and black patches all over her body. Her text box appeared "Oh its you! Your the one that did this to me ever since you and Sapphire started dating! I can't stay mad at you forever so let's battle!" The battle theme started "Pk-Mn Trainer Ruby would like to battle" the text box says. She only has three pokemon with her which was odd since she uses all of her slots. She sent out her first Pokemon a Flygon who looked fairly normal expect it was sad and his wings were dropping. I defeated it no problem and she sent out a Feebas and took it out easily she then sent out her last Pokemon Gardevoir and it was tough but I defeated it. 
  The battle ended and Ruby said "Ethan get on your bike Sapphire wants you to see something that she did and its terrible." My character without my control got on his bike and went to Mt Silver. It was covered in blood and Pokemon corpses. This reminds me of a creepy-pasta I have read like Red's Love expect i'm dating Sapphire. I reach the summit of the mountain with Sapphire standing in the place Red was. 
She started to talk to me happy. "Ethan there you are I missed you so much. You don't know how happy I am to see you again my love! Do you like what I did to Mt Silver?" A yes or no box appered and after seeing that creepypasta I didn't like it but I kinda do so I clicked yes. "Really? Ok I'll be honset I didn't do all this. It was that cursed and haunted Gengar named Nightmare. I really want to him to stop haunting Ben you know I know you read that creepy-pasta cause sometimes we charaters TV or video game like to break the frouth wall sometimes and you Ethan which I know your real name as we are dating. Just promise me you won't tell anyone about this. Good now come on let's head to Kanto come on Ethan!"
 The screen went white and we appered at Fushica City at a hotel which was never in the real game. "Come on Ethan it's night time we should go inside." We went inside and check in for a few days. I moved themto the elvator and pressed the 10th floor and there room I remember from the clerk saying it was a privite room on the 10th floor. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you the rest or Sapphire will get mad at me. I'll be back soon because Sapphire wants me to tell you what happened at the hotel.